Share Your Story or a Memory About Howard

Please follow this link to share a story or remembrance of Howard—we would love to hear them! You can either send a private note to Joan and Paul, or share with all of the visitors to this website.
We'll display notes and stories on this page as they come in.
Stories and Messages
- Name
- Kathy Peck
- Story / Memory / Anecdote
- Howard - such a gentle man. Thank you for your kindness, courage, for laughter, for all you did for PCa, and for waiting at the bottom of the trail. I miss you and Joan.
- Name
- Robert Parsons
- Story / Memory / Anecdote
- An icon in PCa as a mentor and website (hrpca) moderator. We talked once on the phone and maybe an email along the way....might of even had some differences in philosophy on PCa, but I still keep referring others to for further information or to the join the group. One of the best resources for people whom need hope, inspiration and possibilties. I witnessed his on going journey with this and all I can say is talk about giving of your time and efforts to try to help the whole PCa community, even when one is seriously wounded and battling this on their own, is about priceless. Totally deserving of the Harry Pinchot Award and plenty of acolades.
- Name
- Mixie Kingman Eddy
- Story / Memory / Anecdote
- I'll always cherish my fond memories of immensely fun (and challenging for me physically) 3 particular outdoor adventures I shared with both Howard and Joan, and sometimes fact, even now (about 25 years later) I still feel "high" whenever I think back on those most refreshing, endorphin releasing outings that were quite new and novel for me. Indeed, Howard seemed to be the catalyst for encouraging me (being such a novice) to push what I had perceived to be my own physical limits....I was thrilled to discover that I really could complete successfully with no injuries, some (what seemed to me) wild sounding "growing edge" adventures...
* enjoying a picnic and watching a delightful July 4th fireworks display from the TOP of Mt. Mansfield... then hiking back down that mountain on some slick trails around midnight in the rain
* XCountry skiing from Underhill Center across Mt. Mansfield to Stowe, VT (return trip)... a delightful, yet pretty strenuous journey (for me) all in one day during snowy weather
* XCountry skiing in the moon light on beautiful snow-filled trails near Howard and Joan's home in Underhill Center...absolutely refreshing after a tasty meal
My heart-felt gratitude goes out to Howard (and of course Joan too) for inviting me to experience nature's wonders in new, beautiful ways (amidst mountain tops and moonlight), and for expanding my vision of my own physical capabilities to new, greater heights....forever I will remember those fantastic outdoor adventures with them that brought me incredible joy I still feel now!
~Mixie Kingman Eddy, (a former Vermonter, who now lives in Bellingham, WA)
- Name
- Dan Fleming
- Story / Memory / Anecdote
- The time is in the mid '70s while I was working with Howard at IBM Manassas, VA. My son and I had ambitions of doing some backpacking but were as greenhorn as they come. Howard and Zim Putney were our source of inspiration and information. Wanting to thank him in some way we finally settled on doing some volunteer trail work for the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC). We did this on a warm, sunny April 15th, Howard leading the way all the way. In the mountains the wild flowers were blooming and the trees just beginning to bud. Since then every April 15th has brought back those images of hard work and nature coming back to life. It also reminds me of the only thing I ever recall Howard getting short with me about. Being inclined to "pronounce" acronyms I, of course, thought of PATC as "pat-c", which Howard interpreted as patsy, a concept he could not stomach being associated with PATC, and he let me know in a very clear way.
- Name
- Carl Roberts
- Story / Memory / Anecdote
- I will miss having fun with you. After meeting you at the Prostate Cancer Support Group, our mini-Men's Group with John, David and Michael and our leading the Men's Support Group with Mary, there were other things that we did together. I particularly remember when you and Joan completed the Long Trail. Also the two week trip to Utah with its colors and slot canyons (thanks Rich). Cross-country skiing many times and places. But the highlight for me was the 2000 Dolomite trip with you, Joan and five of your friends. What a high! I will miss you--Carl
- Name
- Elroy Smith
- Story / Memory / Anecdote
- Being from Utah and a first time attender of the PCRI conference in 2007 in LA, I saw many folks meeting each other as friends. When I went to the dinner and being an introvert, I found a table with a few open seats. I asked a fellow if I could join them and he said you're welcome. That was Howard. I opened the conversation with explaining how I found out about PCRI. I found them on the internet and was very impressed with the information on PCRI's site over many others. I said, "but there ought to be more forums for guys with advance PC to share their experiences with each other. Often, PC groups (like some in Utah) cater to those who have been first diagnosed with PC". Howard told me to check out Howard said he had advanced PC now was looking at another possible brain cancer surgery. Howard sounded a bit melancholy when he said "most of my good friends I've met over the years have passed away. I've been dealing with this for 14 years". After our PC talk, we talked about southern Utah and river trips. He said he wanted to explore more in the Colorado Plateau. I got the idea he enjoyed hiking like I do exploring the outdoors.
I appreciate Howard's research beyond the standard oncologist's "standard AMA's handbook of treatment". I'm not sure there is such a handbook but doctors rarely want to take changes on going outside of certain "treatment zones". I've gained from Howard's knowledge and his attitude when answering tough questions from myself and others. At times (I thought) Howard would get after PC folks asking his advice who just want to follow what the doctor says. Howard told them to learn more (visit and push their doctor (bring it up) or find a new doctor. What a gift Howard has given of great volunteering and zest for life!
- Name
- Joan MacKenzie
- Story / Memory / Anecdote
- We had a wonderful life together, Howard. Lots of adventures. Lots of love. You will be with me always. Love, Joan
- Name
- Kris Surette
- Story / Memory / Anecdote
- I will always remember Howard for introducing me to the Dolomite Mountains of northern Italy. While I had been to Europe a few times before meeting Paul, Howard and Joan, I had never really done high-mountain hiking. He planned things out so well, and as a planner myself, I know that is not easy to do.
We would use chairlifts and cable cars to our advantage so we could walk up high with tremendous views. We'd enjoy lunches at sunny mountaintop refugi (huts), sometimes with apfelstrudel and good coffee! We'd stay in great B&Bs. We'd see the best sights, including those in Venice and Padua. I loved those trips to northern Italy. It will always be a special place for me, and I'll always remember Howard when I think of those trips.